I Ate My Twin, But She Still Haunts Me with her Crazy Eye

Hello, friends.  Thank you all for reading my little bloggy-blog!  Today I had an adventure with big balls of goo that I can’t wait to tell you about, but for now I have another post.  Also, I’m in the process of adding blog links to my page.  I read lots of ’em (blogs), and one that might make your day better is an easy little read on www.truthordairy.blogspot.com.  It’s written by a woman who gave up a tech job to run a dairy farm.  Her email updates arrive in my inbox sometime between midnight and 6:45 a.m., so I get to read her post first thing in the morning along with checking all the Groupons.  It’s peaceful to read about farming.

Today she said this: “Kris said that these cheeses are the easy ones to make – but they still look like a lot of steps to me.  I said I much prefer baking, especially desserts like … pie.  Thus, the phrase ‘easy as pie.’  No one says, ‘Easy as a temperature-controlled with lots of steps cheese.'”

Okay, now for today’s disturbing story:

I Ate My Twin, But She Still Haunts Me with Her Crazy Eye

Every time I see myself in the mirror or in a photo, I think about how I devoured my twin in the womb. She still controls half of my body, though.

I first read an enlightening piece of science-meets-Newsweek (or some other near-tabloid) several years ago, and I haven’t looked at myself the same way ever since.

The article was about a man who had a tumor that turned out to contain extra kidneys, teeth and hair.  Doctors suspect that he absorbed a twin in his mother’s womb, and for some reason the twin/tumor started “growing” again.  I don’t remember much about the article’s finer scientific points (if there were any) so I looked up this condition on the internet.

Aside from horrifying pictures, I found that there are several variations and abnormalities that can cause tumors such as this.  If you’re curious, start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetus_in_fetu.

Anyway, back to the original article.  The scientist speculated that this happens far more than is ever researched or discovered.  She hypothesized that many embryos split into two beings during very early development and that one twin absorbs the other quickly thereafter.  This happens so early in the embryo’s formation—usually before cell differentiation— that it doesn’t affect most individuals by producing tumors or other complications.  Here’s the freaky part, though:  she also conjectured that twin absorption could account for most people’s asymmetrical body parts.  For instance, if you have one arm that is longer than the other, you may have eaten your sibling.  You disgust me.

Just kidding—I’m guilty, too.  One of my eyes is a slightly different shape and slant than the other.  My right ear is lower, and my left foot is shorter.  One side of my scalp grows thicker hair than the other.

Every time I see a picture of myself or look at my eyes in the mirror, I think of my twin.  I bet she’s evil, and is responsible for most of my failures.

If I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, it’s her being lazy again.  She’s also messy and gross.  It was her who farted really loud in class that time in 5th grade.  She’s made me miss good opportunities and blurted out stupid things at the wrong time.  She might be writing this right now—it’s tough to say.  If you hate this article, it’s her.

Evil deeds include—

Oh, thank goodness I prevented her from finishing that sentence.  In addition to failures and faults, her lower ear also causes my sunglasses to tilt slightly off kilter.

When I look at myself, I see two of us.  The only question is: which one is the crazy eye, and which one is me???

funny blog pic: my crazy eyes

This doesn't deserve a caption.

If you have  mismatched body parts and think that you may have something to confess, please post pics on Twitter under #8mytwin or tag Tall Curly Biscuit in a Facebook post.  I’ll try to re-post them all here.  Oh, and creativity is never frowned upon, unless it is totally inapro-pro (kid word for inappropriate.  I say it so much we gave it a snazzy nickname.)  Don’t worry–my standards are lax.  I just told my daughter to put some peanuts in a bag and take her nut sack to school tomorrow.

I can’t wait to see your pics!  Entertain us, please!


  1. Ang, thank you! Imagine my surprise finding this! I’m glad you’re enjoying reading my blog.

    You may not know this, but I have twin boys. When they were younger, each took a healthy bite out of the other one’s arm. … When it comes to twin absorption, maybe they’re just late bloomers!

  2. Oh my gosh. This made me laugh so much. Great picture, too. I think I listened to a Stuff You Should Know podcast on this topic (we should ALL know about fetus in fetu, right?) and was creeped out for weeks because of it.

  3. I just found out this is exactly what happened to me with my brain tumor. Thanks for lightening the whole thing up and making me feel better!

  4. hi, I was born really early and I have always felt something was missing I have 3 sets of twins in my family and I used to mention to one pair what I was going through but now they believe me, it might sound weird but one nostil is shaped differently I’m nearsighted and farsighted and my left hemisphere doesn’t work that well I hit my ring finger is is even longer than my index and my mom didn’t notice but she got me two pairs of the same clothes just different colors one pair is turquoise the other is pink but my mommy said she didn’t want anymore kids idk

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