If You Need a Sure Thing

Time: Thursday, 6:00 a.m.
Location: In the car on the way to football practice
Radio: ON

Son: “I saw a video of this band, and the singer looked like a total nerd.”

Me: “Yeah, lots of musicians are ugly, but they still get girls. It’s amazing.  Dad and I figured that if a guy is really ugly, he can still get a pretty girl by either being rich or in a rock band.*  For some reason, playing an instrument in public makes a guy instantly more attractive to women.  But you don’t have to worry about that because you’re a good-looking guy.”


Son: “Yeah, but if I want to be really sure….”

So now he’s taken up the family guitar.

*Example: I find Tom Petty attractive.  I’m no supermodel, but I’m pretty sure that I’m better looking than Tom Petty.

Is this tough to beat?


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