New Trend in Body Hair Grooming

Happy birthday to Warren Buffett. I saw that in the newspaper today; I don’t know him personally, just in case you were wondering if I had access to his billions.

In other publications, such as the People 100 Most Influential Whatever, I noticed that Buffett has impressive eyebrows. They’re like caterpillars that are cute and cuddly and practically beg me to pick them up, but I don’t because those are probably the poisonous ones.

Also, everyone in Texas has been talking about J.R. Ewing’s eyebrows on the new-ish tv show Dallas. Radio hosts tell jokes like, “I love the new character on Dallas.”

“Which one?”

“J.R.’s eyebrows!”


In case you’ve missed the spectacle, here’s a picture:

JR Ewing's eyebrows have a swirl at the end that appears to be gelled.

Does he use gel or mousse on those babies?


So I think this is the new symbol of power for older men—or anyone, really—who can achieve the look. With enough hair products and training, you too can harness the power of the brow. Check out this man, straight from the Paris runways:

This man has eyebrows that project in three directions: up, out, and away from his face.

Just kidding. He was on a connecting flight from Atlanta.


What do you think of the big brows? Does the extra hair make one more powerful? Can long, upward brows give you lift, like wings? Have you noticed any new body hair trends?


  1. Interesting post. Indeed the brows should be trimmed back on these gentlemen..

  2. I think the eyebrows are fanfreakintastic!! I would think that it would make them a little more aerodynamic. Er… At least it would if they did anything in a quick forward motion. Even if it doesn’t give them any advantage in the grueling world of speed-walking, they are just so darned cute! Old people in general are stupidly adorable. Especially when they’re mad or use profanity. That’s my favorite.
    …someone should totally patent a way to put tiny blinkers in them. I hate being run over by old men walking the mall.

    • I decided to grow out my brows after I told my family about this post and my son noted that mine were thin. Watch out, world!

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